Saturday, December 1, 2012

Senior Project Update


1. What are you currently doing in your independent component?
For my independent component,  I am currently going to the hospital on Thursdays, to shadow a doctor when he/she is surgically removing skin cancer from a patient. 

(2) What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would say was significant in helping you understand where to go next in your senior project?  The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November.  Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.
The piece of research that has helped me in my understanding of my senior project would be an informal interview that I did with Dr. Jennifer Lee, an otolaryngologist who works at the Head and Neck department. On November 8th, while participating in Mohs Night, I  meet Dr. Lee who graciously answered my questions despite the fact that she was on her break, and she only had a few minutes to spare. I asked her about life while in medical school, and the "proper term" for an otolaryngologist. She told me that residency is hard since you have to dedicate all your time to the hospital (for crap pay!), but if you become chief resident, then starting a family is much easier, which is something that she did. She also told me that as a resident, you gain interesting experiences since you have to travel through the various departments in the hospital. I told her that I possibly wanted to go into the OB/GYN specialty  and she related her experiences while touring in that department, while a resident at USC. Because of this interview, I gained insightful knowledge about life as resident from the perspective of a doctor, and how she got to where she is now. I am considering that she become my official mentor for my senior project.

(3) Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did.  For example, a photo of something you working on for your independent component or your notes from the video you watched. 

The notes that I took while  in Mohs Night.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Science Fair Proposal* Revised

1. What is your topic?
My topic is Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

2.What is the driving problem behind your experiment and the quote by an expert to support the problem? (Expert citation must be in MLA format.)
The driving force behind my experiment is that through the research that I have collected, I have noticed that based on race you are more susceptible to a type of head and neck cancer than your other counterparts. For example, the book Cancer in Minorities by Lovell A. Jones, illustrates the that the black race is more susceptible to a  poorer prognosis for head and neck cancers then whites (non-Hispanic) or Hispanics. "Since 1950, the age-adjusted mortality rate per 100.000 population for buccal cavity and pharyngeal cancers has decreased from 6.6 to 4.7 for white males while increasing from 4.9 to 10.2 for black males." Contributing factors that led to a poor prognosis are tobacco usage, alcohol consumption,  and low socioeconomic status. "The study population included 103 cancer patients (38 women and 65 men), and 91 controls (39 women and 52 men). Individuals living in the most deprived areas (OR, 4.66; 95% CI, 1.79– 12.18) and those who were unemployed (OR, 2.27; 95% CI, 1.21– 4.26) had a significantly higher risk of cancer than people who had high levels of educational attainment (OR, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.05–0.58)."   Evidence-Based Dentistry 11, 57-58 (2010) | doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400726

3.What is your hypothesis? (Must be in If-Then form.)
  • If a minority race (black, Hispanic, Asian, etc) has a higher prevalence of smoking and alcohol usage, then they are most likely to develop head and neck cancer.
  • If a patient has a low socioeconomic status and is a minority race, then they are most likely to die from head and neck cancer head and neck cancer.*
* chosen hypothesis

4.Write a paragraph summary of how you will perform the experiment. Include the tools you plan on using.

I will perform the experiment by studying research and data that I get from various legitimate sites. For example, one piece of research that I found was by a journal titled "Evidence-based Dentistry", which examined the socioeconomic status of  103 patients who had malignant cancers of the oral cavity, including the oropharynx, hypopharynx, or the larynx.  I will also be going to Kaiser Permanente to ask the doctors at the Head and Neck Surgery Department if they have any information about the topic at hand. The tools that I will be using are graphs and raw data that I collect from the various websites that I will be examining. I will also call the Cancer Information Service to see if they can supply me with data. I will be using Excel or statistical tools (proportional hazards model) so I can make my data about the correlation of head and neck cancer and socioeconomic status.

5. Select one of the project categories  for your experiment:
Animal Biology & Physiology

Friday, November 2, 2012

Working EQ and Possible Answers

(1) What was the working EQ you used during your presentation?

  • The working essential question that I used for my presentation was: "What do you have to know to be a successful  ENT  doctor."
(2) Did you decide to revise your working EQ after your presentation? If so, write your revised EQ here.  If not simple write "I am not going to revise my EQ at this time".

  • I am not going to revise my EQ at this time.

(3) What are possible answers to your current working EQ?

  • Some possible answers to my working EQ is that in order to be "successful" you need to be as good as your team. When doing my mentorship and independent component, I see that the doctors and nurses work extremely close with one another to provide the patient with the best care possible. Another possible answer would be that, although this might sound cliche, you have to have passion for what you do daily. Being an otolaryngologist encompasses the knowledge and the passion for head and neck anatomy, but if you didn't have that passion, then why spend 3-4 years of your life dedicated to a particular interest, when you could be focusing on another field, such as Pediatrics, or something that really catches your attention. Also, a possible answer would be in order to be a successful ENT doctor, you would need to know the various duties that your job entitles you to do. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Independent Component 1 Approval

(1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
(2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
(3) How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?  

1. For the independent study component, I plan to go to the hospital every Thursday to attend an event known as Mohs Night. Mohs Night is where the doctor surgically  removes skin cancer from the patient, and a pathologist examines the tumor to see there is a reoccurrence, or if the patient is free of cancer. Sometimes, the doctor even  has to do reconstructive surgery.  I plan on observing the doctor and the attending nurse during the procedure, and ask them questions when necessary.

2. My plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement because as I stated above,  I plan on going to Mohs Night every Thursday, which is usually about 4 hours, so I will be able to finish the hours in a matter of weeks. I will be recording the dates and times that  I attend Mohs night on my log sheet.  I will also be researching weekly about topics that pertain to Otolaryngology so if I have any pending questions, I can just ask the doctor, and he will enlighten me. 

3.  My independent study component relates to my working EQ since by shadowing the doctor during the procedure, I will be able to learn how the doctor and/or the nurse interacts with the patient, and how the doctor goes about extracting the tumor from the patient. By studying and observing what the doctor does,  I will incorporate that into my working EQ, with either my essential question stating the best way to remove skin cancer from a patient, or into one of my answers for the EQ, such as the expertise needed to reconstruct  a body part of the patient (ex. ear, nose, lip, etc.)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Second Interview Questions

The purpose of the second interview is justify your mentor as an expert in the field.  Thus, you will be asking at least 5 questions about their background and/or the background of the organization or company where they work. 

1. How did you start working at Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park?
2.Why did you want to become a nurse? 
2a.Was it the career choice that you had in mind in the beginning of your career search?
3. Where and how did you get your nursing credentials from?
4.What are the daily duties that your job entitles you to do?
5. How closely do you work with doctors in the Otolaryngology department?
6.What has/have been  the highlight(s) of your job while working in this department?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Working EQ

The Pentagon:
1. Positive Statement: What positive thing happened as a result of what you have completed do far?
The positive thing that has happened as a result of what I have completed so far is the fact that I am volunteering at a wonderful place, and I have the opportunity to experience things that I never would have imagined. Volunteering at the Head and Neck Department at Kaiser Permanente  Baldwin Park has introduced me to such wonderful people that are willing to help me with my senior project, I feel very grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me.

2.EQ Content: Pick a piece of research or your interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
One piece of research that has helped me understand my topic is the article titled "About Otolarynogology", by Marcella Bothwell. In this article, it talks about what is otolaryngology, which is the treatment and mangemet of disorders/diseases of ears, neck, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. I also like this article because it gives a insight as to what otolaryngologists do. For example, they manage diseases/disorders of the sinuses, larynx, ear disorders, and facial cancer. One particular piece of information that I did not now was that otolaryngologists have to spend up to 15 years in college and post graduate training to be qualified otolaryngologists.

3.What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
What has really worked for me so far in my senior project are the daily research checks because I get to learn more about my topic, and have information that I can use for my senior project or science fair. What has also worked for me is the mentorship/hours because I get to be in a clinical setting that allows me to interact with doctors, nurses, LVN's, etc.
4. What hasn't worked out?
What hasn't worked out is my schedule. I would like to go more to the hospital, but due to college classes, I can only go Tuesday and Thursday. Also, there isn't much interaction with the  doctors as I would like since they are extremely busy, and their schedules may not necessarily fit mine.

5.Finding Value:
What possible question or questions come to mind regarding what you would like to study this year?
The possible questions that come to mind, in regards as to what I would like to study this year are:
How do you tell a patient that they have skin cancer, or any other type of cancer?
What is the most important quality to have in order to survive the 15+ years in medical school?
How do you prepare for major/minor surgery? (emotionally, mentally, physically, etc.)
What is your end goal with your senior project?
My end goal with my senior project is to educate myself and others about the topic of otolaryngology since I believe this topic is unknown to most people, especially in teenagers. I would also want to educate other people about the importance of taking good care of their ears, skin, and head because when you grow older, you may result with serious consequences that can affect your health, or other matters. I would also like to know, at the end of my senior project, is if I really want to be a doctor, and if I have what it takes to commit myself to 15 more years in medical school.                                        
Who would you like to talk to next?Why?
I would like to talk to one of the nurses or LVN's that get to work with one of the doctors in the Head and Neck Surgery department. I would like to talk to them because they work hand in hand with the doctors, so it would be interesting to know their perspective about the topic, and see what their typical day is like.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Science Fair Problem Statement

1.Senior project topic: Head and Neck Surgery/ENT

2. Increased hearing loss over time due to noise (occupational/entertainment). By hearing, for example, an Ipod at the maximum volume daily, over time (span of 10 years) this can lead to hearing loss, especially in teenagers. This is a problem that should not occur since at that certain age, they should not be experiencing hearing loss. Occupational hearing loss is when machinery/tools around your work are causing harm to your ear, and thus cause hearing loss over time. When I solve this problem, I will be able to educate the entire community by seeing if a doctor, or audiologist will be able to help me publish my findings (American Academy of Otolaryngology) , or create headphones/earphones/hearing aids that will effectively help patients that have hearing loss due to occupational or entertainment hearing loss.

3.Another problem in Head and Neck Surgery/ENT is what would be the most effective way to remove facial/skin cancer, either using chemotherapy or surgery. Although both options have it's benefits when removing facial/skin cancer, I want to find out which treatment effectively removes all of  the facial/skin cancer, or which treatment has better results, when concerning the overall health of the patient.When I solve this problem, I would want to see if I can publish my data (American Academy of Otolaryngology, with a doctor's help. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interview Preparation

1. Who do you plan to interview? Why?
I plan on interviewing Cynthia M. LaBauve, an RN(registered nurse)/Department Administrator who works in the Head and Neck Surgery department at Kaiser Permanente in Baldwin Park. I initially wanted to continue my mentorship in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department, but I unfortunately could not get a placement there. I  plan on interviewing Cynthia M. LaBauve because she has a lot of knowledge in regards to her professional field. Also,she would have a lot of experiences, since she an RN and department administrator ,so by interviewing her, Mrs. LaBauve can give me some insight as to what it really is like to work in the Head and Neck Surgery department.

2.You have to ask 5 questions. What additional questions do you plan to ask? Ask open-ended questions.
Some additional questions that I plan to ask are:
  • How did you know that this was the career for you?
  • Tell me what was your first day like when you started as an RN/Department Administrator?
  • What has been the most memorable experience up to date?
  • What is the most difficult task when doing your job? The easiest(if any)?
  • Tell me about the schooling that is required for this career?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Topic Choice

A.What is your topic and why?
 Although I have not yet been placed in a specific department in the hospital, the topic that I want to focus on is Obstetrics and Gynecology. I want to focus on this subject because I have always had a special interest in the care of a women during their pregnancy. I am also considering this topic as my future career, and if I decided to do this topic, I would learn new information that would inspire me to continue pursing a career as an OB/GYN.
B.  What do you hope to accomplish this year with this topic? (Relating to ESLR's)

  • I-Poly Citizen: As an I-Poly citizen and as a volunteer at Kaiser Permanente in Baldwin Park, I will treat the members, patients, and staff with the respect that they deserve and help them as best as I can. I will follow my schedule at the hospital and fully complete the hours that are required. I will also complete any task that is requested and do it effectively, and as best as I can. Hopefully, if I can get admitted into the OB/GYN department, I hope to access new information about this topic so I can educate myself and ultimately those around me. Not only do I want to learn the current issues of obstetrics and gynecology, but my research will aid me in finding out how the birth/prenatal care of a baby was done back in the old days. I also hope to find out,during my research and experience at Kaiser, how much of an impact obstetricians and gynecologists make not only here in the U.S, but around the world, and the different practices they have, if any. 
  • I-Poly Effective Communicator: Being a Concierge Ambassador at Kaiser has taught me so much about how to treat and talk to the members/patients when they come and visit the hospital. I plan to use this knowledge when talking to patients/members and staff  at the OB/GYN department and make them feel welcome, especially the patients. By voluteering at this department, I plan to learn how to communicate effectively when talking to a patient, and relying messgaes to the staff so they can offer assistance to the patients as quick as they can, especially during stressful situations. I plan to work as a team with the staff since ultimately they are the ones who are going to be teaching me everything I need to know about my topic. By collaborating with the staff and patients, I will become an effective communicator since I will learn the skills needed to handle any type of situation, and have qualities that would help me in my future endeavors.
  • I-Poly Effective Learner: To become an effective learner, I plan to conduct my research in a timely and orderly fashion so that everything is organized and I can use it effectively when I need to. I will also conduct interviews with my mentors so I have a better understanding about the topic at hand, and also to clarify some misconceptions that I may have. I will take the knowledge that I have collected and personally construct a creative  presentation that will effectively display the information that I have learned and educate others who want to learn more about this topic or are interested in the medical field.
  • I-Poly Effective User of Technology: As an effective user of technology, I plan to incorporate the skills that I have acquired when volunteering at the hospital. For example, when on the computer or some other device, if asked, I plan to effectively type, print,copy,etc. so the staff and patients have a clear understanding of what is presented to them. I also plan to be an effective user of technology by conducting research not only online, but in other technological mediums such as videos or blogs,and presenting the research with the best technolgical tool that will effectively display my information accurately.This would help me when educating others about the information that I have learned over the course of this project. Also, I plan to use the researching skills that I will have acquired by the end of this project to help me in my future, thus making me an effective learner.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Mentorship Component

Contact Information:
Kelli Houston: Volunteer Services Director
(626) 851-6444
Chleta Butler: Project Manager II; Volunteer Services/Reception Connection

·         8/13/2012  8:00AM-11:00AM
§  On my first shift as a Concierge Ambassador at Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center, I first received a tour of the facility (Medical Office Building and Medical Center) so I could learn where the different departments are at and how to guide patients/members to their destinations. After the quick tour, I got to work at my station, which is the main lobby located in the medical center. For the next three hours, I escorted patients/members to where they needed to go, either a department located in the medical center or medical office building.  I also gave patients/members directions on how to get to the specific department they were looking for.

·         8/14/12  8:00AM-11:00AM
§  On my second shift as a Concierge Ambassador at Kaiser Permanente, it was pretty much the same as the day before. For the next three hours, I escorted patients/members to the department(s) where they needed to go.  I also escorted family members of patients to patient rooms located on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors, but mostly on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Also, in the mornings, it is my duty to make sure that the lobby is clean and tidy. I pick up trash that is on the couches, and I arrange the chairs to how they are suppose to be.

·         8/18/12 8:30AM-12:30PM
§  On the 18th, Saturday, it was a pretty busy day. A few of the departments that I had to visit were Cardiology, Physical Medicine/Therapy, and General Surgery. It was also necessary of me to speak Spanish to some patients/members to better serve them as to where they needed to go. Other tasks that I had to do were provide a wheelchair to patients/members that needed them, or wheel them where they needed to go. Since I am not CPR certified, I am not able to wheel the patients to departments  that are located on the 2nd or 3rd floors, but I am able to take them for example to Physical Medicine/Therapy since it is on the first floor and it’s a short distance. 

Know (Need to Know):
1.     How important is customer service when patients/members visit the hospital?
2.     How does good customer service improve the overall look of the hospital?
3.     Why it is important for volunteers know what good customer service is?
4.     Why is it important for volunteers to establish a connection with patients/members when guiding them to their destination?
The most important thing that I gained from my volunteer work at Kaiser Permanente in Baldwin Park is just being a volunteer at this hospital.  Going to the hospital for about two weeks now has taught me so much about how important it is for a volunteer, especially a Concierge Ambassador , to know what good customer service is because that really is the key for establishing a connection with patients/members.

Although I have not yet picked a topic due to my placement as a volunteer, I know that I really enjoy working at the hospital, especially being a Concierge Ambassador. Assisting patients/members as a Concierge Ambassador has given me valuable experience that one day I might use outside of the hospital. I really do enjoy my time at the hospital so far because helping patients/members gives me an immense satisfaction, although the task might seem small, I can tell that patients/members are really thankful for taking them on time and to the right place. Being a Concierge Ambassador has also given me the opportunity to familiarize myself with the buildings, which allows me to do my job better and effectively. This would also help me when I transfer departments, or if I have any other volunteering opportunities at the hospital.